Go Programming Language

Go is a compiled language developed by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson at Google. It is primarily used in cloud-native and web development projects. Some of the popular projects created with Go Docker: Container Engine Kubernetes: Container Orchestrator Hugo: Static Site Generator (Also used to generate this blog) Helm: Package manager for Kubernetes Packages A Package abstraction is created in Go to group functions that are related to each other or associated with a specific task....

June 21, 2023 · 17 min · Avnish

Helm Charts

Package managers like dnf and apt increase the convenience of installing, updating, and maintaining applications on operating systems. For developers, a package manager provides a standardized way of packaging and distributing their applications. Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes. It is implemented in Go and installed as a binary helm. It interacts with the Kubernetes cluster using Kubernetes API. Charts Helm distributes Kubernetes-based applications in a format called Chart....

May 16, 2023 · 6 min · Avnish

Operator SDK and Bundle Images

An Operator Bundle Image (OBI) is created to package custom resources and metadata associated with an operator. It’s like any other container image only difference is that it couldn’t be executed but it could be distributed through an OCI-compliant image registry. Contents of a bundle image are: Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) ClusterServiceVersion (CSV) Specification of operator’s dependencies Operator metadata like its name, version, channels, etc. The control loops associated with the operator are defined in its Controller Manager....

May 10, 2023 · 7 min · Avnish