Problem Statement

We have to implement the reverseList function that takes the head node of a linked list as an input and returns the head node of the reversed linked list in the output.

Problem statement for the reverseList

Brute Force Solution

If we iterate over the input linked list and insert its value at the beginning of a new list the result would be a reversed linked list.

Brute-force solution for the reverseList

Psuedo-code for the Brute Force Solution

reversedLinkedList = LinkedList()
temp = linked_list.head
  temp =
return reversedLinkedList

Time Complexity Analysis

Best Case Scenario

In the best-case scenario, the time complexity of the brute force solution will be $O(n)$ as it requires a loop over the input linked list.

Worst Case Scenario

The time complexity worst-case scenario for the brute force solution is the same as the best-case scenario i.e. $O(n)$.

Space Complexity Analysis

The brute-force solution assumes that we have enough memory space to store the input linked list and the reversed linked list in the memory at the same time. Thus, the space complexity of the brute force solution will scale linearly ($O(2n)$) to the size of the input data.

Code for Brute Force Solution

package main

import "fmt"

type ListNode struct {
    Val int
    Next *ListNode

func Display(ln *ListNode){
    temp := ln
        fmt.Printf("%d->", temp.Val)

func insertAtStart(ln *ListNode, value int)(*ListNode){
    tempNode := &(ListNode{Val:value, Next:ln})
    return tempNode

func reverseList(ln *ListNode)(*ListNode){

    // Creating a new linked list to store nodes in 
    // the reverse order
    var reversedList *ListNode
    temp := ln

        // Inserting values at the start of the reversed
        // linked list
        reversedList = insertAtStart(reversedList, temp.Val)
    return reversedList

func main(){
    ln := &(ListNode{Val:5})
    ln.Next = &(ListNode{Val:2})
    ln.Next.Next = &(ListNode{Val:3})
    ln.Next.Next.Next = &(ListNode{Val:7})
    ln.Next.Next.Next.Next = &(ListNode{Val:4})
    fmt.Println("Input Linked List:")
    fmt.Println("Reversed Linked List:")

// Output
// Input Linked List:
// 5->2->3->7->4->
// Reversed Linked List:
// 4->7->3->2->5->

Optimized Solution

Since reversing a linked list will require traversal of all the nodes, the time complexity of the solution could not be improved from $O(n)$. But if we could reverse the next node reference in place for each node the space complexity would be reduced to $O(n)$.

We will use the two-pointer approach to maintain references to nodes current and previous. The current pointer will start from the head node and iterate till the nil at the end. Whereas, the previous pointer will be one step behind the current.

Optimized solution for the reverseList

At the end of the iteration, the previous pointer will be pointing to the head of the reversed linked list.

Psuedo code for the Optimized Solution

previous = none
current = head
  temp = = previous
  previous = current
  current = temp
return previous

Time Complexity Analysis

Best Case Scenario

We are iterating over the complete linked list so the time complexity is the same as the brute force solution i.e. $O(n)$.

Worst Case Scenario

The time complexity of the optimized solution for the worst-case scenario will also be $O(n)$.

Space Complexity Analysis

Unlike brute-force solution we are performing operations on the input linked list directly so we don’t need additional memory space and the space complexity will be $O(1)$.

Code for Optimized Solution

package main

import "fmt"

type ListNode struct {
    Val int
    Next *ListNode

func Display(ln *ListNode){
    temp := ln
        fmt.Printf("%d->", temp.Val)

func reverseList(ln *ListNode)(*ListNode){
    var prev *ListNode
    curr := ln

        // Storing the location of the node 
        // next to the current pointer
        temp := curr.Next

        // Changing next for the current node to 
        // the node pointed by the previous pointer
        curr.Next = prev

        // Moving the previous pointer one node forward
        prev = curr

        // Resetting current to the next node 
        // in iteration
        curr = temp
    return prev

func main(){
    ln := &(ListNode{Val:5})
    ln.Next = &(ListNode{Val:2})
    ln.Next.Next = &(ListNode{Val:3})
    ln.Next.Next.Next = &(ListNode{Val:7})
    ln.Next.Next.Next.Next = &(ListNode{Val:4})
    fmt.Println("Input Linked List:")
    fmt.Println("Reversed Linked List:")

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206. Reverse Linked List
Reverse Linked List - Iterative AND Recursive - Leetcode 206 - Python