Problem Statement

We have to implement an isAnagram() function that takes two strings as input and returns true if they both are anagrams and false otherwise.

Multiple words could be anagrams of each other if they contain the same characters with the same frequency of occurrence.

For word counter:

  • trounce is an anagram.
  • trouncee isn’t an anagram, because the character e appears twice in trouncee.
  • tounce isn’t an anagram, because the character r is missing.

The inputs for the isAnagram() function are assumed to be composed of lowercase English characters including whitespace (" ").

Brute Force Solution

The first solution that comes to mind for this problem would be sorting both strings (using the ASCII value of characters) and then comparing the sorted strings by characters.

Best Case scenario for containsDuplicate

We can preemptively exit the function if both strings are of different lengths as they can’t be anagrams.

Psuedo-code for the Brute Force Solution

if length(string1) != length(string2)
	return false
string1 = sort(string1)
string2 = sort(string2)

loop index in string1
	if string1[index] != string2[index]
		return false

return true

Time Complexity Analysis

Best Case Scenario

The best time complexity of a sorting function is $O(n \log(n))$, so the total time complexity of sorting operations is $O(s \log(s)) + O(t \log(t))$ where $s$ and $t$ are the sizes of strings. Since both strings are of the same length (for anagrams) we can generalize time complexity to $O(s \log(s))$.

If the inputs are of different lengths (non-anagrams) then the time complexity of the complete function will be: $O(1)$ as the function will exit preemptively.

Even though we have to compare characters in a loop ($O(s)$) the sorting time will scale relatively slower. Thus, the total time complexity of the best-case scenario will be $O(s \log(s))$.

Worst Case Scenario

The worst-case scenario for a brute force solution will compare all the characters in sorted strings to find that they aren’t anagrams. Its total time complexity will be $2*O(s \log(s)) + O(s)$ but we can generalize it to $O(s \log(s))$.

Space Complexity Analysis

The sorting of input strings is performed in-place. Thus, there is no requirement for additional memory space by the brute-force solution and its space complexity will be $O(1)$.

Code for the Brute Force Solution

package main

import (

func sortString(inputString string)(string){
  // The time complexity of this function
  // is assumed to be O(nlog(n))
  // where n is the size of inputString
  str := strings.Split(inputString, "")
  return strings.Join(str, "")

func isAnagram(string1 string, string2 string)(bool){
  if len(string1) != len(string2){
	  return false
  string1 = sortString(string1)
  string2 = sortString(string2)

  // This loop will have O(n) time complexity
  // where n is the size of string1/string2
  for i:=0;i<len(string1);i++{
      if string1[i] != string2[i]{
        return false

  return true

func main(){
  string1 := "counter"
  string2 := "trounce"
  fmt.Println(string1, "is an Anagram of", 
              string2, ":", isAnagram(string1, string2))

  string2 = "trouncee"
  fmt.Println(string1, "is an Anagram of",
              string2, ":", isAnagram(string1, string2))

  string2 = "trounc"
  fmt.Println(string1, "is an Anagram of", 
              string2, ":", isAnagram(string1, string2))

// Output
// counter is an Anagram of trounce : true
// counter is an Anagram of trouncee : false
// counter is an Anagram of trounc : false

Optimized Solution

In the brute force solution, the most expensive operation in terms of time complexity is sorting.

To improve on this we can create a hashmap that stores the count of characters appearing in the first string, then we can iterate over the second string and reduce the count for each character in the same hashmap or delete the key. If the hashmap is empty after the loop has ended, then the strings are anagrams.

Best Case scenario for containsDuplicate

Psuedo code for the Optimized Solution

counter = hashmap()

loop char in string1
    if char in counter
        counter[char] += 1
        counter[char] = 1

loop char in string2
    if char in counter
        if counter[char] == 1
            counter[char] -= 1
        return false

if counter.empty() == true
	return true
	return false

Time Complexity Analysis

Best Case Scenario

In the best-case scenario for an optimized solution both strings will be anagram and the time complexity will be $O(s)$ (generalized from $O(s) + O(s)$).

Worst Case Scenario

The time complexity of the worst-case scenario will be the same as the best-case scenario i.e. $O(s)$ but the input strings won’t be anagrams.

Space Complexity Analysis

The counter hashmap will take additional $O(n)$ memory space.

Code for the Optimized Solution

package main

import "fmt"

func isAnagram(inputString1 string, inputString2 string)(bool){
  if len(inputString1) != len(inputString2){
    return false

  counter := make(map[string]int)

  // Both loops will take O(n) time for completion individually
  // where n is the size of inputString1/inputString2

  for i:=0;i<len(inputString1);i++{
    char := string(inputString1[i])
    _, key_exists := counter[char]
    if key_exists{
      counter[char] += 1
    } else {
      counter[char] = 1

  for j:=0;j<len(inputString2);j++{
    char := string(inputString2[j])
    _, key_exists := counter[char]
    if key_exists{
      if counter[char] == 1{
        delete(counter, char)
      } else{
        counter[char] -= 1
    } else {
      return false
  return (len(counter)==0)

func main(){
  string1 := "counter"
  string2 := "trounce"
  fmt.Println(string1, "is an Anagram of", 
              string2, ":", isAnagram(string1, string2))

  string2 = "trouncee"
  fmt.Println(string1, "is an Anagram of",
              string2, ":", isAnagram(string1, string2))

  string2 = "trounc"
  fmt.Println(string1, "is an Anagram of", 
              string2, ":", isAnagram(string1, string2))

// Output
// counter is an Anagram of trounce : true
// counter is an Anagram of trouncee : false
// counter is an Anagram of trounc : false

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242. Valid Anagram
Valid Anagram - Leetcode 242 - Python